
  • You will receive an automatic confirmation email upon checking out on our website.

  • All orders must be placed through our website (no ordering via instagram DM)

  • We require full payment at least 7 days prior to pick-up via BPI or GCash. We do not accept Cash on Pick-Up, Cash on Delivery, or Pabili service.

For Signature / Messy / Mini cakes and Cookies:

    • Once you place your order, you have 3 days to settle full payment.

    • Proof of payment must be sent as a reply to your confirmation email (don't send via DM please!)

    • If you are unable to settle payment within 3 days, your order will automatically be cancelled.


    For Custom cakes:

        • Once you place your order, you have 3 days to settle payment of your reservation fee.

        • The reservation fee is NOT the final price of your cake. Final price will depend on final design, complexity, colors, elements, add-ons, etc.

        • Reply to your confirmation email with the proof of payment for the reservation fee along with complete design pegs, photos, and specifications (don't send via DM please!)

        • If you are unable to settle payment within 3 days,  your order will automatically be cancelled.

        • Once you send us your design specs, we will send an estimate price before sketching your cake. This price can still be subject to change.

        • Once you confirm the estimate price, we will send you our hand drawn digital sketch and final quotation.
            • Once the design is approved, you will receive an invoice for your remaining balance. You have 3 days to settle full payment for your custom order.

            • If you are unable to settle payment within that period, your order will automatically be cancelled and any payment or downpayment made is forfeited and no longer refundable.